Thursday, October 30, 2008

Welcome, disclaimers, backpedaling, etc.

Someone recently asked to see some articles I'd written about Richard Thompson, back in the days when I did such things as a nominal career.

I could have directed him to my article archive, but I started thinking about how a lot of what I've written about Richard--impassioned, sloppy, inspired, unedited--never appeared in any publication.

I've done a lot of concert reviews for the Richard Thompson discussion list. I've scribbled notes to myself. Some of this material might be of interest to someone.

Please note that there is nothing official about this site. I have not informed any of RT's "people" about it. I would not expect their endorsement, nor would I anticipate their suppression. This is just me running my virtual mouth.

For a long time, I kept what I thought was a careful distinction between my professional writings on RT and others and my contributions to the RT list and other informal sites. I admit that I kept getting my shirttail caught in the stile as I crossed over. I mean, on the one hand, critics are supposed to be objective--and I stand by everything I've written about Richard as a professional critic--while on the other hand an RT show is like church for me, in its way.

I hope you'll approach these writings with that distinction in mind.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

My best to you and this blog. I look forward to reading some of your writing soon!